At our Fresenius Helios companies, we work continuously to preserve life, promote health and improve the quality of life of our patients.
Acting ethically is part of our corporate responsibility. This includes respecting human rights, protecting the environment and using resources efficiently. We are guided by international standards and applicable legislation.
We therefore anchor regulatory requirements (e.g. Supply Chain Due Diligence Act – SCDDA = LkSG) and social expectations in our human rights program, which applies to the Fresenius Helios Group as a whole, and fulfill our duty of care to respect human rights.
Helios participates in the Group-wide human rights program of the parent company Fresenius. Roles and responsibilities established for the human rights risk analysis define and implement adequate measures or further develop existing ones in order to prevent, eliminate or reduce potential negative impacts on rights holders through our business activities and in our supply chain.
As human rights due diligence is an ongoing task, we regularly review our measures and processes and adapt them where necessary.
Human Rights Statement
Helios Health is also committed to respecting human rights in a human rights statement: The management of Helios Health GmbH has adopted the declaration of principles of its parent company, Fresenius Management SE, on respecting human rights in the Fresenius Group. Our Fresenius Helios human rights statement applies to the entire Fresenius Helios Group, including Quirónsalud and Helios Germany.
The statement, which was first developed in 2018 and has been continuously refined, is based on the United Nations (UN) and the fundamental principles of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and also meets the requirements of the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).
We update our statement every first quarter of a new year with new conclusions from our annual and ad hoc risk analyses, with a focus on human rights and environmental aspects.